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Adjusting The Anniversary (400-Day) Clock eBook

  • Adjusting The Anniversary (400 Day) Clock eBook

Product Description

Adjusting The Anniversary (400-Day) Clock, written by William J. Bilger.

Copyright 2010, eBook, 19 (8-1/2" x 11") pages.


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This booklet is designed to help those who have trouble getting an Anniversary Clock or 400-Day Clock to run or to run a full 400 days. It describes in great detail the ins and outs of adjusting what can justifiably be called one of the most temperamental of clocks. It tells you in step-by-step instructions just what needs to be accomplished to get the most out of this very classy clock. If the instructions contained herein are followed in the order they are presented, they are guaranteed to erase hours of frustrating trial and error experimentation. It refers to the Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide in several places.
The eBook is divided into 8 chapters:

Proper Mechanical Operation

Proper Escapement Action

Suspension Spring





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